Want to Learn Web Design Basics? Start from here

Want to Learn Web Design Basics

If you want to get started in the world of web design, there are some important skills that you must master.

First, you need knowledge of how the code on an HTML page works. Then, you should be able to apply CSS to create the visual effect you want, whether it’s a specific layout, typography, or colors and backgrounds.

Fortunately, Envato Tuts+ instructor Kezz Bracey has put together a series of lessons for beginners that cover all topics in depth, giving you a solid foundation from which to develop your web design skills to become more proficient. The following is an outline of the study and what you can learn.

1. Start Here: Learn HTML Basics

Learn HTML Basics
The most important first step to becoming a web designer is learning HTML programming. By the end of this lesson you will know what HTML is, how it works, and how to use the most common elements. You will start from a blank page to take full advantage of the basics of writing a page’s code. it will give you the basic foundation on which all of your subsequent designs can be built. For more idea about how to design the website.

2. Start here: Learn CSS Typography

If you are a novice web designer and you are ready to learn CSS, then start here!

If there’s one type of styling that’s arguably more important than any other in web design, it’s typography. Ideally, your site should start with strong typography, and the rest of the design should be built around that. For this reason, it is important to understand the typography part of the process of starting a design.’

3. Start here: Learn CSS Layout

Now that you’ve learned the importance of typography in your previous “Start Here” lesson, you’re ready to move on to the next fundamental element of web design: layout.

In this lesson you’ll learn everything you need to know to create the most common layout types of web design.

4. Start here: Learn CSS Colors and Backgrounds

In our study series “Start from here” this time. You will be able to give something new to the website you created earlier by using CSS colors and backgrounds.

In this lesson you’ll learn all about the visual techniques that make a site stand out from the crowd, and bring “design” into web design.’

Start Learning By Trying for Free

With these four lessons, you’ve learned the basic skills you’ll need as a web designer. Of course, there’s a lot more to web design than this, and we also have lessons on more advanced level topics like animation, jQuery, JavaScript, and more.

You can take as much learning about web design as you want if you sign up for our free 10 day trial monthly subscription. So get started now and build a solid foundation on which you can take your web design work to the next level.