Skills Required to Become a Web Designer

Skills Required to Become a Web Designer

A web designer must indeed need his own skills. The reason is that you have to know more about how the website code should be run. Moreover, web designers actually demand two abilities at once, namely design and programming.

For this reason, it takes persistence and discipline when starting a career as a website designer.

Given that the digital world is growing rapidly, there are also many ordinary people who want to become web designers.

Even though being a web designer is not only mastering HTML and CSS skills, but many programming languages ​​that must be learned. Here are 14 skills needed to become a web designer.

Web designer job description

Being a web designer certainly has many duties and responsibilities, both working freelance and in large companies.

It is important to know in detail about the web designer job description so that it is easy to carry out any work that is received from the boss.

Technical skills (Hard Skill) of web designers

Following are the technical abilities of a web designer, including:



HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a standard markup language commonly applied to creating web pages.

This markup language is a way to create notes in digital documents. Even HTML is one of the most basic things needed to develop a website.

Meanwhile, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language used to present HTML files that have been created. HTML is useful for building the foundation of a website.

The use of CSS also controls website layout, fonts, colors and styles.

2. JavaScript / jQuery

JavaScript will determine the functions contained in a website. Especially if you want to get interactive features such as audio, video, games, or animation, which of course require JavaScript.

Then the existence of jQuery makes using JavaScrips faster and easier in code generation.

3. CSS and JavaScript Framework

CSS and JavaScript Framework

CSS and JavaScript are a big part of front-end development that will form the basis of other skills. Where the CSS and JavaScript frameworks include collections of CSS or JavaScript files to help perform certain tasks, for example logging into a website or searching for a blog.

4. CSS preprocessor

CSS is a tool that will make it easier and more flexible for developers to do their job. There are several examples of CSS preprocessors, namely Sass, LESS, or Stylus.

This is where writing and changing the code is much simpler. The CSS preprocessor will convert the code into CSS that will work through the website.

5. Version Control / Git

Version control is the process of tracking and controlling code changes, so you don’t have to repeat everything from scratch.

Software for performing version control is Git, which is able to track the form of changes made in order to return to a previous working version.

It will even be able to find out about a particular error without breaking it.

6. Responsive design

Responsive design

Responsive design principles and implementation when coding are key to front-end development. Responsive design is part of the CSS framework, such as bootstrap.

These skills are actually related to each other, so you can easily learn them slowly.

7. Testing / Debugging

Every local website that looks simple to an international website cannot be separated from the blug. But in order for the website to run well, it must get rid of these bugs.

This testing is part of the web designer’s ability to help speed up and solve these problems.

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