5 Things to Avoid in Website Design

Website Design

The website is one of the most important parts in business because the website functions as a means or center of information about the company. The better the website you have, the better the business that will be carried out later, therefore there are some things you should pay attention to and avoid in making a website.

Jakarta creative agencies always say that a good website is one that has good navigation because it will be very influential when visitors see your website.

5 things to avoid in website design

The following are 5 things to avoid in website design :

1 – Poor Navigation

Visitors access the website, because of one thing, namely the need for specific information. It will make visitors frustrated and immediately leave the website if they do not immediately get the core information from the website and the company.

Good navigation of a website will make visitors comfortable to access the website and get a lot of information from each part of the website page. Of course this will increase the number of potential visitors which will also have an effect on increasing sales, which is the main goal of creating a website.

Website navigation has 2 main influences, namely usability and accessibility, so navigation is an important part that must be a concern. The essence of navigation is the ease with which visitors can move from one page to another. Never confuse visitors that they are on which part of the website, and where to go to get more complete product/service information.

2 – No Invitation Words

The basic mistake of many web companies or online businesses is to use a lot of writing and convoluted explanations without ending with an invitation sentence, such as an invitation to register, buy, contact the admin, etc.

Bringing a lot of visitors to the company’s website is very important, but it will be in vain if visitors do not take an action that benefits the company.

The question that often arises from visitors or potential customers is “What’s in it for me?” and “What should I do?”.

So to invite website visitors to immediately buy products or use your services, explain in advance to visitors, “What are the advantages of buying products or using your services” and “What to do if visitors are really interested in buying products or services”.

Color And Contrast

3 – Poor Color And Contrast

The choice of color and contrast on the website is not a top priority, but it must still be considered. Because if the color of the text does not have sufficient contrast with the background color, then the text is difficult to read, especially for visitors who have visual impairments or are color blind.

The default color used is black (#000000) for the text, and white (#FFFFFF) for the background. Or the background can be reduced to (#DDDDDD) so it’s not too dazzling. To try, there is an interesting tool to determine the contrast color: Color Contrast Check

4 – Unclear and Convoluted Content

Related to points 1 and 2, what visitors need is short, concise and clear information. If the content of the company’s website contains information that is unclear, convoluted, and there is no link from one information to another that is related, this will be very boring for visitors.

The habit of visitors when entering a website page, they will quickly read the first 1-2 paragraphs. If they feel that the content is not what they are looking for, then visitors will see at a glance the overall appearance of the website. If there is still nothing interesting, then visitors will immediately leave the website.

To avoid this, create a table of contents/content hierarchy in an easily visible place and size, making it easier for visitors to find the information they need. If the amount of website content is too much, choose some that are important to visitors.

5 – Irregular Display

One more mistake that often occurs on company websites is the appearance of a chaotic website. This is because there is a lot of information that you want to display and cram into one page, especially on the home page. Not to mention if you add ads, either image ads or text ads in the header, sidebar, or footer.

Want to Learn Web Design Basics? Start from here

Want to Learn Web Design Basics

If you want to get started in the world of web design, there are some important skills that you must master.

First, you need knowledge of how the code on an HTML page works. Then, you should be able to apply CSS to create the visual effect you want, whether it’s a specific layout, typography, or colors and backgrounds.

Fortunately, Envato Tuts+ instructor Kezz Bracey has put together a series of lessons for beginners that cover all topics in depth, giving you a solid foundation from which to develop your web design skills to become more proficient. The following is an outline of the study and what you can learn.

1. Start Here: Learn HTML Basics

Learn HTML Basics
The most important first step to becoming a web designer is learning HTML programming. By the end of this lesson you will know what HTML is, how it works, and how to use the most common elements. You will start from a blank page to take full advantage of the basics of writing a page’s code. it will give you the basic foundation on which all of your subsequent designs can be built. For more idea about how to design the website.

2. Start here: Learn CSS Typography

If you are a novice web designer and you are ready to learn CSS, then start here!

If there’s one type of styling that’s arguably more important than any other in web design, it’s typography. Ideally, your site should start with strong typography, and the rest of the design should be built around that. For this reason, it is important to understand the typography part of the process of starting a design.’

3. Start here: Learn CSS Layout

Now that you’ve learned the importance of typography in your previous “Start Here” lesson, you’re ready to move on to the next fundamental element of web design: layout.

In this lesson you’ll learn everything you need to know to create the most common layout types of web design.

4. Start here: Learn CSS Colors and Backgrounds

In our study series “Start from here” this time. You will be able to give something new to the website you created earlier by using CSS colors and backgrounds.

In this lesson you’ll learn all about the visual techniques that make a site stand out from the crowd, and bring “design” into web design.’

Start Learning By Trying for Free

With these four lessons, you’ve learned the basic skills you’ll need as a web designer. Of course, there’s a lot more to web design than this, and we also have lessons on more advanced level topics like animation, jQuery, JavaScript, and more.

You can take as much learning about web design as you want if you sign up for our free 10 day trial monthly subscription. So get started now and build a solid foundation on which you can take your web design work to the next level.

Factors That Affect The Time of Making Web Design

Factors That Affect The Time of Making Web Design

Cool web designs are already widely available to choose from to be able to display an attractive website. The website is one component that is quite mandatory for the community in this era of rapid technological progress. Especially for small business entrepreneurs to large companies really need a website. Not only used as a means of marketing and promotion, the company’s website can also be used as a means of providing information and communicating directly in writing with consumers.

The Time Factor for Making Cool Web Designs

The Time Factor for Making Cool Web Designs

Of the many designs that can be displayed on the web, one party must have different tastes. Each client certainly wants the best web design so that their website can attract more visitors. Here are some factors that affect the length of time for website creation.

– Start time of website creation

Many clients want to quickly get a website made by a professional service provider. The principle of entering late but finishing the fastest is what most people want. However, it turns out that the time when the creation of the website begins can affect the length of the web creation. For that, if you want fast website results, don’t delay the time to include it in the queue list. Immediately express the desire for the appearance and content of the website as desired by the developer. To produce the best web design, listen carefully to the developer’s explanation of the process to be carried out and the estimated time to build a website.

– The time it takes for the website to be ready for review

The second factor that affects the length of time a developer makes a website is the time it takes for the website to be ready for review. In general, web developers already have references and standards in website creation and service to clients. That way, the web design service provider is at least able to provide an overview of the website that will be produced. The developer can also provide an overview of the time when the website is ready for review. This estimate or estimated time can be used as a basis by the client in determining the length of the web creation process until it is ready for use.

– The time it takes for the website to be ready to launch

Furthermore, the time when the website is ready to be launched is also a very influential factor in the length of time the website is made. Please note that a website that is ready to launch and is ready to be managed is a website that no longer requires a repair process and the content contained in it is standard.

– Difficulty designing the desired website website

No less influential on the duration of web creation by the web design service provider is the level of difficulty and complexity of the desired web design. The more complicated or difficult the desired design is, the longer it will take until the web is ready to use.

Facts About Quality Web Development Service Providers

As explained above, the website is currently a must-have component for people and business owners from small to large scale. The process of making a website certainly requires special skills, no wonder many parties entrust it to professional website design service providers. . This web developer is equipped with experts and sophisticated equipment that is up to date and professional. Some of the products that can make optimally include mobile apps, custom applications, e-commerce, company profiles, SEO to website maintenance.

Through the explanation above, it can be seen that there are several factors that greatly affect the length of website creation. In addition to a cool web design that is getting harder and harder to make the manufacturing process take longer, there are also other influential components.

Some Things To Pay Attention To As A Web Designer

Some Things To Pay Attention To As A Web Designer

Some things to consider as a web designer- A web designer generally appears as a form of maximum effort to make the appearance of the site that is managed even better. You can become a professional website designer with a lot of practice. For a beginner, it may be considered that making a design on a website page is not an easy thing. Not even a few also think that this is not important. Whereas the purpose of making designs is to attract customers’ day.

You can increase visitors or customers on the website you manage by becoming the best web designer.  Try to find an idea in https://www.spadegamingslot.org/.You should know that the main purpose of making a web design is to make the site look more attractive. If you have talked about the appearance, it will be closely related to what can be seen. Everything that looks attractive will be more sought after and targeted by others.

As a beginner in terms of making web designs, you need to do several things that need to be prepared. There are many things that you need to prepare if you want to create a site display that attracts the hearts of visitors. In the following we will help you to find out what things need to be prepared as a web designer for your own web page. Please see the discussion below until the end.

Creating a Website with Clear Themes and Topics

The first thing you need to prepare if you want to create a web design, of course, make a website first. There are many ways that you can easily follow if you want to set up a website online. But the problem is that you have to create an interesting site concept that is different from the others. You need to create a website with themes and topics that attract attention. Especially if you want to get a lot of income from visitors.

The goal of everyone who wants to create a website, the theme and topic must be appropriate and focused on the purpose of making the site itself. In general, there are two goals for everyone to create a website, namely as an online business or just to share content in the form of useful articles. You must first determine the purpose of creating a website that you want before learning more to become a professional web designer.

Having a clear theme and topic from the web page that you create is very useful. You can create content more easily. Especially if the themes and topics you take are discussions that you are good at. So that later while creating content you no longer have any objections or difficulties to find further discussion. It is highly recommended that you focus on only one thing for one site that you manage.

2. Decide whether to use free or paid hosting

After having a clear concept and in accordance with the purpose of making the website itself, then the next step is to determine the hosting and domain. Hosting is a home for those of you who want to register your website. Services that you will get from the hosting you use. While the domain is the website address that will make it easier for many visitors to find your website.

When deciding on a domain name, as a web designer you must create a name that is unique and easy to remember. You must have a different domain address from the other addresses. It can be said that determining the website address that you have is not always easy. You need to choose the most appropriate and easiest to remember words. This of course affects the number of visitors who will more easily recognize your address.

The more unique and easy to remember the domain address that you create, the easier it will be for the address to be known by more visitors. You must have a large number of visitors first before becoming the best web designer. There are many factors that influence the increasing number of visitors, but one of them is to have a more focused theme and topic so that it is easier for visitors to know.

3. Using All Available Design Templates

Whether it’s free hosting or paid hosting, you will get service from the server. You will get more varied services if you join a paid hosting server. While free hosting will only provide services that are already available from there. Of course more limited and very ordinary. Similarly, the available templates. So you can decide whether you want to use free or paid hosting.

Whichever choice you will take later, you just have to choose which template is the most appropriate for the website page you have. You only need to choose one of the templates that can be used as an effort to beautify the pages of the site. This is the task of a web designer who needs to intervene. You need to find which display is more appropriate and certainly more attractive and makes visitors comfortable so that they will become loyal customers of your website visitors.

4. Prepare Appropriate Content

After that you must have a high consistency in terms of filling out website content that you develop regularly. This is very important for you to do in order to make more visitors come. Regardless of what your goal is to create a website page, preparing content is equally important and fatal. You need to prepare content that matches the theme or topic of your website page.

As a professional web designer you can prepare draft content every day. Because the factors that make the high interest of visitors to visit and read your website pages are not only influenced by an attractive appearance. Content content is also a determining factor that is no less important for you to prepare. Whether it’s for your online business or just a useful article that is closely related to the theme of your website.

5. Following the Interests of Visitors

As a website manager, you have to be very good at finding what topics are the most sought after by internet users. You will be very lucky if it turns out that the topic that is being discussed is in accordance with the topic you have. This can affect the number of visitors who will visit your website. Don’t just think of design inspiration as a web designer to create the best content.

That’s the information we can convey for those of you who want to create the best web design. The most important advice for you to do is to study more and learn what you need to do to make a better design as a professional web designer or you can visitjahwebdesign.com which is an online store website creation service and a professional company website. Here you will get a website according to your needs at an affordable price. May be useful.

Skills Required to Become a Web Designer

Skills Required to Become a Web Designer

A web designer must indeed need his own skills. The reason is that you have to know more about how the website code should be run. Moreover, web designers actually demand two abilities at once, namely design and programming.

For this reason, it takes persistence and discipline when starting a career as a website designer.

Given that the digital world is growing rapidly, there are also many ordinary people who want to become web designers.

Even though being a web designer is not only mastering HTML and CSS skills, but many programming languages ​​that must be learned. Here are 14 skills needed to become a web designer.

Web designer job description

Being a web designer certainly has many duties and responsibilities, both working freelance and in large companies.

It is important to know in detail about the web designer job description so that it is easy to carry out any work that is received from the boss.

Technical skills (Hard Skill) of web designers

Following are the technical abilities of a web designer, including:



HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a standard markup language commonly applied to creating web pages.

This markup language is a way to create notes in digital documents. Even HTML is one of the most basic things needed to develop a website.

Meanwhile, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language used to present HTML files that have been created. HTML is useful for building the foundation of a website.

The use of CSS also controls website layout, fonts, colors and styles.

2. JavaScript / jQuery

JavaScript will determine the functions contained in a website. Especially if you want to get interactive features such as audio, video, games, or animation, which of course require JavaScript.

Then the existence of jQuery makes using JavaScrips faster and easier in code generation.

3. CSS and JavaScript Framework

CSS and JavaScript Framework

CSS and JavaScript are a big part of front-end development that will form the basis of other skills. Where the CSS and JavaScript frameworks include collections of CSS or JavaScript files to help perform certain tasks, for example logging into a website or searching for a blog.

4. CSS preprocessor

CSS is a tool that will make it easier and more flexible for developers to do their job. There are several examples of CSS preprocessors, namely Sass, LESS, or Stylus.

This is where writing and changing the code is much simpler. The CSS preprocessor will convert the code into CSS that will work through the website.

5. Version Control / Git

Version control is the process of tracking and controlling code changes, so you don’t have to repeat everything from scratch.

Software for performing version control is Git, which is able to track the form of changes made in order to return to a previous working version.

It will even be able to find out about a particular error without breaking it.

6. Responsive design

Responsive design

Responsive design principles and implementation when coding are key to front-end development. Responsive design is part of the CSS framework, such as bootstrap.

These skills are actually related to each other, so you can easily learn them slowly.

7. Testing / Debugging

Every local website that looks simple to an international website cannot be separated from the blug. But in order for the website to run well, it must get rid of these bugs.

This testing is part of the web designer’s ability to help speed up and solve these problems.

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Web Designer Interview Questions Users Frequently Asked

Web Designer Interview Questions Users Frequently Asked

Are you preparing for a web designer interview, but don’t know what questions to ask?

Glints has prepared a leak of eight interview questions that are usually asked by users.

1. What tools do you use to design a website?

A web designer must understand well what tools can support his work.

There are various web design tools or software that you can mention, such as Figma, Sketch, and Mockplus.

Try to have you used these various tools before, yes.

After that, also say that you are open to learning various other tools that the company has chosen.

2. Where do you usually find web design inspiration?

Where do you usually find web design inspiration

No matter how high the position of a web designer is, you still need design inspiration from other people.

There are Pinterest, Awwwards, and Dribbble that can be your source of inspiration.

You can also mention other sources, such as magazines, books, communities, or discussions demo site like Slotdemo with other people.

3. What are the current web design trends?

In this interview question, companies want to know how updated web designers are with existing trends.

So, make sure you always read the latest information about web design.

Then, you can discuss web design trends in terms of fonts, sizes, buttons, animations, and colors.

4. What do you think, bad website design looks like?

To answer this question, you can mention bad website design that you have come across.

Reporting from Guru99, some bad web design descriptions are:

use a black background with white or light writing
use a black background with dark text
all elements of the website are in the middle
too many large images
too many titles and blinking text (blinking text)

5. What’s your first step when you get a new website design project?

These interview questions will explain how a web designer thinks.

Quoted from Skillcrush, generally companies want you to answer things about research and thinking.

So, say that you always analyze and think first before starting work.

6. How do you combine fonts or letters into a website design?

How do you combine fonts or letters into a website design

Of course, a web designer needs to understand every element of design. One of them is fonts.
For example, you can combine fonts that are similar in thickness and serif.

You must also use a font that is easy to read in the text, such as sans serif letters.

7. What web design project do you find most challenging? How were the challenges and how did you overcome them?

You certainly already have experience in the field of web design. Even though there aren’t many, there must be one project that you find the most challenging.

So, in this interview question, companies want to know how web designers solve every challenge.

Just tell honestly about the project. Then, explain how you met the challenge.

8. In your opinion, what things need to be improved from our company website design?

This one interview question is quite tricky. You are asked to criticize and give suggestions regarding the company website.

However, you don’t need to worry. With this question, companies just want to see how critical and innovative you are.

Therefore, you need to observe the company website before the interview. So, during the interview, you can explain which parts need improvement.

Remember, always complete the answer with reasons and solutions, yes.

Bagaimana Mendesain Banner Web Sederhana

Bagaimana Mendesain Banner Web Sederhana

Banner promosi online sering kali menjadi hal pertama yang akan dilihat pengguna saat mereka mengunjungi situs web. Bagaimana potongan besar ruang layar ini digunakan dapat menunjukkan banyak hal tentang situs web. Banyak situs web mengabaikan pentingnya banner situs web dan melihatnya tidak lebih dari iklan cepat, “naikkan saja”.

Banner web yang dirancang dengan buruk tidak hanya terlihat malas, tetapi juga memberikan kesan tidak profesional. Situs web seperti bagian depan toko di jalan raya. Bayangkan sebuah toko furnitur mewah dengan satu jendela tertutup, dan “sale now on” ditulis dengan cat semprot.

Membuat banner ads web yang terlihat bagus sebenarnya merupakan proses yang jauh lebih sederhana daripada yang Anda bayangkan. Pada artikel ini, saya akan mendemonstrasikan bagaimana saya membuat banner web sederhana namun efektif di Photoshop hanya dalam beberapa menit. Saya menggunakan Photoshop Namun, teknik ini bukan perangkat lunak khusus dan dapat dibawa ke perangkat lunak desain apa pun.

Sebelum saya membuat banner web demo mari kita lihat beberapa hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat membuat banner ads untuk situs web.

Kejelasan VS Kreativitas

Kejelasan VS Kreativitas

Ini tentang menemukan keseimbangan yang tepat antara kreativitas dan kejelasan, kami ingin konten kami menarik dan muncul dari layar, tetapi kami juga ingin orang-orang dapat membaca dan memahami pesan kami dengan jelas.

Menemukan keseimbangan yang tepat sangat bergantung pada konteks konten misalnya: jika kami ingin mempromosikan liburan liburan yang indah, kami akan lebih menekankan untuk memastikan tampilannya menarik dengan foto yang bagus dan teks harus melengkapi foto tanpa terlalu berlebihan. “keras”.

Sebaliknya, jika kita ingin membuat iklan untuk sesuatu seperti penawaran terbatas waktu, teks dan kejelasan pesan akan menjadi yang terpenting daripada gaya, kita tidak perlu membuat audiens kita terpesona dengan gambar yang mewah, anda bisa mencarinya banner untuk referensi anda.

Coba bayangkan audiens target Anda hanya dapat melihat gambar tersebut selama satu milidetik dan bertanya pada diri sendiri, apa yang akan mereka ingat?

Berapa Ukuran Banner Situs Web?

Dimensi pastinya akan bervariasi tergantung pada tema yang Anda pasang untuk situs web Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan situs WordPress, Anda dapat menemukannya di dokumentasi temanya.

Sangat penting bagi kita untuk mengetahui dimensi gambar yang tepat sebelum kita mulai, ini akan menentukan keseluruhan komposisi gambar dan akan mengatur pilihan yang kita buat selama proses desain. Hal terakhir yang ingin kita lakukan adalah menyelesaikan desain, menyiapkannya, dan kemudian menyadari bahwa kita perlu memotong sebagian gambar yang berpotensi merusak keseluruhan desain dan membuang-buang waktu.

Mengetahui dimensi juga berarti kita tidak perlu mengekspor konten yang terlalu besar. Konten hanya akan diperkecil agar sesuai dengan template situs web. Ini berlebihan dan membuat ukuran file lebih besar dari yang seharusnya yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan waktu muat situs web.

Jika tidak ada batas ukuran dan template memungkinkan gambar melebar dengan lebar penuh secara responsif. Anda kemudian perlu mempertimbangkan audiens Anda. Misalnya, mayoritas pengguna Anda berasal dari ponsel atau tablet. Jika ini kasusnya, gambar besar 2000 + piksel mungkin tidak diperlukan.

Saya pribadi menganggap lebar 1920 piksel sebagai batas aman. Anda dapat menggunakan gambar yang lebih besar tetapi Anda perlu mengetahui ukuran file dan kompresi.


Secara umum, audiens Anda tidak akan mengamati dan menilai situs Anda berdasarkan kompresi gambar. Namun, audiens Anda akan merasa frustrasi jika situs Anda membutuhkan waktu lama untuk dimuat karena Anda ingin semua foto Anda memiliki kualitas penuh.

Kualitas gambar yang diperlukan juga tergantung pada jenis situs yang Anda miliki. Apakah ini situs fotografi? – pengguna mungkin mau menunggu lebih lama karena mereka ada di sana untuk mengambil foto. Apakah ini situs berbasis informasi yang besar? – Pengguna tidak selalu ada untuk mendapatkan gambar yang bagus dan mungkin cepat frustrasi.

Laporan mengklaim bahwa pengguna mengharapkan situs web dimuat sepenuhnya dalam 3 detik. Dan pengguna seluler adalah yang paling tidak sabar.

Waktu muat sangat penting untuk situs web, orang-orang sangat tidak sabar dalam hal menjelajahi internet. Kita semua bersalah atas hal ini: Anda mengeklik situs dan situs itu menyeret, satu bit dimuat secara acak pada satu waktu dan Anda bosan dan mengeklik kembali.

Ada banyak kemungkinan penyebab laman web lambat dimuat, tetapi penyebab paling umum adalah gambar berukuran buruk dan dikompresi dengan buruk.

Berapa Ukuran File Terbaik Untuk Gambar Web?

Sayangnya ini tidak sesederhana hanya: 500 × 500 piksel = 1mb misalnya. Ukuran file yang tepat tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh dimensi tetapi juga jumlah detail dalam gambar. Misalnya, jika kita memiliki foto dan mengubahnya menjadi hitam putih, versi warna akan memiliki ukuran file yang lebih besar. Ini karena ada lebih banyak data di foto berwarna, perbedaan ini jauh lebih terlihat saat Anda mulai mengompresi gambar.

Secara pribadi, saya sangat keras dengan kompresi saya serendah mungkin. Jika saya memiliki iklan halaman depan, katakanlah 1200 x 400 piksel, saya akan bertujuan untuk membuatnya lebih rendah dari 200kb dan saya akan terus melakukannya sampai detail kerugiannya terlihat jelas.

Setiap gambar berbeda sehingga tidak ada ukuran file yang disarankan. Anda juga perlu mempertimbangkan berapa banyak gambar yang Anda miliki di halaman. Jika Anda memiliki penggeser dengan 5-6 gambar, Anda harus lebih teliti dengan ukuran file. Jika Anda hanya memiliki 2-3 gambar, Anda bisa sedikit lebih santai.

Bagaimana Dengan DPI?

Harap Diingat – DPI (titik per inci) hanya mempengaruhi resolusi cetak. DPI tidak berdampak apa pun pada resolusi gambar piksel. Anda hanya perlu mengkhawatirkan dimensi piksel.

7 Cheap and Best Blog Website Development Services in Indonesia

7 Cheap and Best Blog Website Development Services in Indonesia

Are you looking for blog website creation services?

Are you also wondering about

  • How do you create a website?
  • How do I make a free website?
  • How do I create my own website?

Or are you also looking for a place to buy cheap websites?

Buy a cheap online shop website?

Or whether it’s for online shops, personal websites, schools, course websites (training), hotels, tourism, construction services, property, to all kinds of businesses to help your business be a little more advanced than never before.

Moreover, there are blog website creation services that offer prices, features, and the expected quality according to your wishes such as, but this time we are reviewing those are based nearby to semarang.

For the city of Semarang and its surroundings, I will give good recommendations for you to choose a trusted website creation service.

7 Cheap and Best Blog Website Development Services in Indonesia

Tips for Choosing Trusted Website Services

1. Digimebays

What are Digimebays?

Digimebays is an IT company to help entrepreneurs (business players) from SMEs to large companies (branded companies) to increase sales, strengthen business systems, create work procedure systems (SOP) such as management, administration or cash flow) and also streamline company performance.

In addition, Digimebays also specializes in converting conventional work systems into IT-based work systems to creating blog website services.

2. Arfadia

Arfadia is a Digital Agency established in Jakarta Indonesia which is engaged in information technology and multimedia.

At the beginning of the establishment of Arfadia related information technology services. In recent years Arfadia has carved out niche / specific topics in website design and development, digital marketing campaigns, web software development, web hosting, and multimedia services.

Especially in developing or creating a website, it is very good and recommended.

3. Matapanda.id

MataPanda is a website creation service and online shop that helps build your business from scratch with a website.

What are the advantages of creating an online shop website at MataPanda?

  1. Receive with full features
  2. Thank So.
  3. Full access
  4. Stable Hosting
  5. Unlimeted
  6. SEO Optimization
  7. Professional Design
  8. SSL Security
  9. User Friendly for Mobile / Mobile
  10. Free Logo
  11. Forever Guarantee
  12. Premium Support

4. Puskomedia.id

Puskomedia is a creative digital laboratory that puts forward problem solving using ICT assistance.

Website creation is one of the products offered.

In making a website, especially for news websites, the cost is quite expensive. And what I saw

  • News letter website creation package: Rp. 1,500,000
  • News website creation package. News pro: Rp. 2,000,000
  • Super News website creation package: Rp. 3,000,000

Not only creating news websites, but also online store websites, personal websites, company profile websites.

5. Maxsenses.com

Maxsenses is an online store website creation service provider

What features can be unlocked?

Design features that are more modern and responsive, mobile friendly, equipped with SEO on pge

How long did it take to work / manufacture?

It depends on the complexity and corresponds to the queue

6. Firstplato.com

Firstpalto is one of the digital partner agencies to help with the vision and mission of your business development.

The services provided range from branding services, creating desktop mobile applications, printing, to website development.

Not explained how much the cost / price of manufacture, but if you intend to use his services please contact him and make communication contact with him.

7. Sundaweb.id

Sundaweb is a website creation service and online shop

For the manufacturing service itself, it varies according to the package you choose.

  • Silver package: Rp. 850,000
  • Gold package: Rp. 1,500,000
  • Platinum package: Rp. 3,500,000
  • Website Course: Rp. 5,000,000

The benefits that will be obtained

  1. Professional design
  2. Competitive price
  3. Free consultation via WA
  4. Website is safe and well maintained

4 Things You Need To Look For Before Website Designing

4 Things You Need To Look For Before Website Designing

Website Purpose Built

Every website to be designed must have clear and detailed objectives. So, Pekku Goers’ job as a designer is not only to design but also to know the purpose of the website to be built. The purpose of a website consists of the vision and mission of the web master when you want to build the website and target visitors and readers who will be targeted. If you pay attention to the original purpose of the website, it is guaranteed that you will find it easier to find a suitable design.

Plan for Simple Navigation

The next important thing to know is that the navigation design must be simple. Simple that is meant to be easy to see, catch and understand by visitors and not make it difficult for them to use it. If necessary, you can manually draw the navigation sequence first while looking at references from existing websites before starting to design. Through good and careful planning, the navigation that you will use will be easily accessible and used by visitors.

Pay attention to the elements and types of design needed

If every website has a different purpose, the elements and types of design used will also be different. Every website design should be a medium to achieve the goals of the website itself. You can choose the type of design you want to use for the website, such as retro, modern, vintage, and so on. Apart from that, you also have to determine the design elements and try to always match the type of design you have previously chosen, such as the use of colors, typography and graphic elements (photos and videos).

Make a Mockup and Prototype

If you already know the three information above, don’t be in a hurry to go straight to designing it. Create several mockups and prototypes to show your clients before the website is actually built. The mockup that you make aims to provide an overview of the appearance that will be made, while the prototype can provide a functional experience when the client tries it. These two things are very important to implement so that designers and clients have the same picture of the website that will be created later.

Why Choose Responsive Web Design

Why Choose Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design has changed the scenario of how businesses appear online. Responsive web design was introduced to the world in 2010 and is being used properly from 2015 onwards. Since then, the responsive website has gone through many changes.

Responsive Website

Responsive websites help change the layout to offer an experience based on the device used, which is ideal for mobile viewing.

There are various design elements included in a responsive website. There is no horizontal scrolling, there is sufficient space for the tap target and you can read the text without enlarging it.

A website with responsive web design is a website that is able to adjust the screen used, regardless of the device we are on. Users usually scroll vertically on the device and not horizontally. If we try to force open it horizontally it will result in a bad user experience. You can avoid such problems with

  • Do not use large fixed width elements.
  • Content should not depend on a particular point of view.

Responsive Websites: The Need of the Time

With increasing digitization, the world has become very dependent on smart devices, especially telephones. In previous years, only 25% of people used their cell phone to surf the internet. As the use of these devices increases, so does the need for responsive websites. In 2016, desktop usage was overtaken by mobile use, which shows how people prefer mobile phones and tablets to desktops and laptops. This is the sole reason for investing in responsive web design.

It basically helps to show website in general view on any device. Every new discovery comes with many benefits. Here are some of them:

1. Cost Effective

It’s better to build one responsive website than to create two separate websites, one for mobile and one for desktop. Initial costs should be high but overall low maintenance costs.

2. Website Maintenance

Responsive websites are low maintenance. It takes less time to prepare. Maintenance of one website is easier than two websites. It doesn’t seem to take time either.

3. Increase in Traffic Due to Addition of Cellular Users

Previous businesses had to create two versions of the same website, one must be desktop friendly and the other mobile friendly. Now, we only need one website which supports all devices. This helps to get a large number of mobile viewers. Viewers can also visit the website at a later time, according to their convenience.

4. Provides an Uninterrupted User Experience

This is one of the biggest benefits of a responsive website. An unresponsive website might not cause a problem for desktop viewers, but it certainly creates a problem on mobile as websites generally appear distorted on phones and tablets. This creates problems for users to use the website seamlessly. This will lead to loss of traffic, to avoid it you can evaluate your website design. The final benefit will result in more than what was initially spent.

5. Adaptable to All Screen Sizes

It has great adaptability to such a design, it is able to adapt itself and meet the needs of future devices. It can even fit the screen to the size of a smartwatch or IoT operated device.

6. SEO friendly Responsive Website

It is likely that a responsive website will rank higher. Quality of content will help increase user waiting time. Google recommends creating a responsive website. This will help with SEO too

7. Increase in Lead Generation, Sales, and Conversions

A responsive website helps generate efficient leads for your business. A website that can be accessed on any device makes good sales and delivers large conversions, resulting in high conversion rates.

8. Being in the forefront of competitors

A responsive website may have upfront costs, but it will definitely provide good competition to other website development companies. This can help in achieving company targets. Statistics show that not even 44% of total mobile companies have responsive websites, which will be of great benefit to those who own them.

9. Working Together

What better if we can find an all in one package for something? A responsive website can help achieve this goal. It can perform analysis, tracking and reporting all in one place.

There are various web development companies developing desirable websites using the latest bootstrap technology to be compatible with:

  • Computer
  • Smart phone
  • Smart watch
  • Tablet
  • Laptop

The web development company supervises the testing of this website on various browsers like google chrome, internet explorer, safari, etc.

Google has provided certain protocols and algorithms to follow which will help all websites

  • The website must be user friendly.
  • The website must be cost effective.
  • The website must provide good competition for the application
  • Conversion rate to be high.

Final Conclusion

These are some of the main reasons why we should use responsive websites. This article answers all the basic questions that come to our minds when we hear about “Responsive websites”, the need for responsive web design or how a website designing company in India has changed the business scenario of using responsive web design.