As beginners we often make mistakes based on ignorance. Even though these mistakes must be corrected immediately so that our design does not seem too good and cheap. However, what are the mistakes that are often made by beginners? The following list and the solution for you.
1. Stretch / Sprawl
It is very basic if you want to be a professional designer then you must avoid this mistake. If you do this, you will look very ordinary in design. Therefore from this time the Portal Dekave tells you that any photo, text or graphic is strictly forbidden to draw width or length in one direction which makes it flat like the picture above. If you increase the width by 10% then you should also do the same thing to the length. This is avoided because it can interfere with someone’s comfort when looking at the design and will make it look weird. The solution is when you draw the width or length of a graphic object, please use shift on the keyboard so that the object’s ratio does not change.
2. Too tight
Novice designers often do not pay attention to the distance of the object so that the object is stored right at the end of the top sheet, bottom or corner. Whereas in the design rules we have a distance called margin and padding. Margin is a distance of the object from other objects. whereas padding is the distance of the object within the object. so all you have to do is give it a wider distance.
3. Colors that do not match
When talking about colors, designers must be able to blend colors. The color we use, it is better to be processed first to match the color we will use. Try using a palette of various references to produce good colors. Color that is too striking will make the eyes hurt to see it, likewise if you give text colors and backgrounds that are almost the same, readers will be tired of seeing the text because it is not easy to see. So the color in the text must be contrasted with the background. If the background is dark you can use bright text, and vice versa. Adjust the color with the concept and impression you want to convey.
4. Fonts that are not appropriate
Novice designers often use fonts that are too excessive as decorative type fonts. This should be avoided especially if it is used in the body text. Using too many fonts will make your design not good. Just use 2-3 fonts in each design. The font used must support the impression and the message to be conveyed. Don’t use fonts that look cheap and go against the message you want to convey. In the body section of the Dekave Portal text it is recommended to use only serif or sans serif fonts.
5. Objects are too large and small
Have you ever seen banners, name tags and banners that put the logo too small or even too big? this is very disturbing. Every object created in the design must be seen properly. If there is indeed a concept of a large object it doesn’t matter if the concept is so. But if you don’t have the concept, adjust the proportion of the object you are saving. Large objects tend to be the first points to be seen, so don’t let secondary objects that are actually seen first, and vice versa with small objects that won’t even be noticed at all.
6. Too many disturbing objects
Making an object of design without motivation and tends to be decorative alone will make the object useless. Use graphic elements if that is the part to create an impression, if not then better remove it. Design that is too crowded and does not have empty space will make people who see dizzy and confused with the design you made. Give empty space that allows people to breathe first when looking at your design. You can see idea design of site if you want the example of the best web design idea.
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